On Thu, 23 Aug 2018 20:30:44 -0500, Lynn McGuire
Post by Lynn McGuireCan you put artist / album / song in the usb ?
What do you use to rip the songs from the cd ?
Firstly, a CD is about 700 MB. USB flash drives of
128 GB are available for~ $ 25. For example, see
(Sorry, I avoid/boycott Amazon, but you will find them
there, too ... and in a lot of other places. You can even
find them in grocery and drug stores where I live, though
not the very high capacity ones). So, putting one CD on
a drive is 1) anenormous waste of storage, 2) an enormous
waste of money and 3) an enormously cumbersome
way of doing things. Even if you allocate 1 GB
per CD, you can fit more than 100 CDs on one of
these drives!!
Secondly, ripping depends of what OS you use. I
know nothing about Macs, but on Windows 7,
Windows Media Player worked very well. I moved
to Windows 10 last week and have not fully gotten
used to the media things. But, one that I also like and
use is FreeRIP:
It works well. You can input track names, etc. But
I have not idea if the Honda display will show them.
(I still use real CDs as I have a 2013 model and it has
a CD player. Lucky!)
There is a question of formats, though. If do not like
MP3 (due to the lossy compression) you can use
the WAV format. But, an automobile is too noisy
(ok, this is a Honda NG, not a Tesla one!) an environment
to truly appreicate the full richness of a CD. MP3 will do
just fine on most cars.